Anna's first snow angel :)
The girls are attempting to make snowballs. However, the snow wasn't quite sticky enough.
We put sandwich bags over their shoes to keep them from getting wet and cold. So They kept slipping and falling. But at least the idea worked.
More snow angels
Chloe was right in the middle of things. I wasn't sure how she would react to the snow, but she loved it. She was running around having the time of her life I think :)
Shaun's attempt at a snowball....we were trying to make a snowman. The snowman didn't work, but we did manage a few snowballs.
Ella was the first to start complaining of the cold. At one point she lost her baggie on one of her hands, so she got a little cold. I took her inside to fix her hand so she could keep playing. But she didn't stay too much longer.